Wednesday, 12 October 2011

Need to learn to blog

So much for saying that I would try and keep this up to date, aw well maybe next time.

So the last thing I did was Scottish Aquathon Champs, in Portobello, and the sea was ridiculously cold, I managed to come third which I was pretty pleased with, I had a pretty good swim (750), infact it was my first ever sea swim race, something I will look forward to doing again as I loved the start, the advantage of long legs when running into the sea. This gave me a great start and allowed me to control the swim, I exited along with two other British juniors, we ran the whole run together (5km) but on the final 800m I just didn’t have that edge and finished third, which I was happy with as I still hadn’t started back to training and legs were stiff after the 10km the weekend before.

Since then I have got back into the swing of training and settled in to uni, loving my course this year and training away. I am really glad that I am not injured this winter and I can hopefully stay injury free and get a good solid block of training in because as the saying goes;


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