Monday, 2 April 2012

Easter Training

I am currently in Kinetic PB training center in the south of Spain along with the Triathlon Scotland Squad on their annual Easter break Training Camp. I have never been here before but it isn’t too far away from the usual mecca of Aquilas where the U23 Europeans will be held this year, which is one of my main targets for the season.

Unlike last year when I got a good block of training in January/February out in Spain with the Scottish and Irish squads, this year I wasn’t as fortunate as due to my University course (Primary Education) I had to undertake a 5 week Placement in a Primary school during that time, therefore this will be my 1st warm weather training camp of the year, although only a week; it will hopefully be the boost I need to lift my training up a gear coming in to the season.

Lately training has been going pretty well, and everything is starting to click into place; last Sunday I was able to fit in my 1st single discipline race for a while; a 10km road race, a good indicator just to see where my running was sitting within heavy training, and hopefully just a nice wee confidence boost.

I went in with the intention of putting down a solid effort and seeing what I could do, knowing that I was at the end of heaviest training phase of my season so far. Lately I have also been participating in a Bike testing study for a major sports drink company, (I will go into more detail about when I finish it.) I have been doing that each Friday and it has been complementing my training and really bringing on my cycling, I knew my legs where far from fresh on the Sunday after the trial, but it wouldn’t have been a training race if I wasn’t training right through it.

With the arrival of the good spell of weather that we have just had, conditions made for a good race. I ran a 33.45 which is actually bang on my Pb from September at the end of the season when I was fully race fit and running at my best, to have went the same time not fresh and not at race fitness (1st race will be in May, 1st major race in June) I was very happy with this outcome as it shows me that my running is improving, and going in the right direction.

I will hopefully get another post in while I am out here with some info on how things are going and what we are getting upto.

I will hopefully get my proposed race calendar up on this when I get back, I have been meaning to get it up for a while but due to uni commitments and different things I just haven’t been able to fit it in.

Talk soon

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