Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Lord of the Lake 2012

A nice wee action shot. :) 
Hat trick in the bag.

3 attempts 3x Lord of the lake.

Camlough lake has to one of the nicest place to swim, I’m so lucky that is close.

The lord and lady of the lake annual competition is to swim the length of the lake, form one end to the other, a distance of 2.7km.

My times the previous years had been 30mins flat and 30mins21secs. So on top of winning the aim was also to break the 30min marker.

All went to plan and I managed to smash my time posting 28.14 which I was super happy with. We did have excellent conditions with the lake being completely flat.

Aileen had a great swim coming in second and claiming lady of the lake, and beating by previous time and getting under the 30mins in doing so.

It is a super event and can’t wait to do it next year. Might even try it non-wetsuit for something different ;) we will have to wait and see.

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